Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!! + Family Drama

 Hey guys! So who's ready for 2018? Not me! You wanna know why? I'm going to mess up SO MANY TIMES and put 2017 on my papers instead of 2018. Like ugh! But other then that I'm actually fairly happy going out of 2017.
 Soooo I think I might actually have good luck this year! Why do I say that? Well my family has this tradition where everyone has to eat at least one if this specific kind of bean. I dunno why, but it's supposed to bring you good luck.
 With that lovely intro, here comes the real body to this blog post, family drama. You have it, everyone has family drama, but I swear, y'all don't have family drama like my family does. Our family is like a volcano, we'll go one or two holidays without any drama and then we'll explode and there'll be drama... USUALLY. But for a year, including ALL the holiday's drama has been at an all time low, until today. Today all heck broke loose, and I was in the middle of it all. I'm sure you're wondering what the heck happened, well I'll tell you.
So I've some small problems with Badger in the past, but this was awful today. So I was sitting in T.O.P.'s room talking with her and her friend that was over, Meeble was in the bathroom and could hear everything, you know, the usual. My new phone (that I got for Christmas and, sadly, I already cracked) in my hand and my (new also Christmas bought and expensive) Gryffindor sweater. So Badger walks in and starts talking- COMPLETELY interrupting me- and then stops. She looks at me and says I don't think you should be in here. I thought she was joking and kind of scoffed. But she looked at me dead serious and said Get out. Now, come on, you know me, was I walking out with out a fight? Usually yes, I would, but I was not going to let this cousin boss me out of a room that WASN'T EVEN HERS! So I said, You'll have to drag me out to get me out. So she picks me up around the middle and starts dragging me out. All was fine and good until she grabs the sleeve of my sweater and starts pulling it. She freaking stretched it out, not very much because I started yelling at her to stop. I had dropped my phone (brand new, mind you) and so she picks it up, throws it across the hall into Meeble's room (because the doors are facing each other) and tells me to simply Fetch. Like she's some FREAKING HIGHER CLASS CITIZEN AND I'M JUST A DOG THAT SHE CAN ORDER AROUND. I asked her if I got it was she just going to slam the door and she did a little shrug that just TOLD me yes. So I didn't, by this time T.O.P. had taken notice and was like, here, I'll go get your phone Dani. But by that time I was so fed up that I just left. I went into Meeble's room with Meeble and we just talked for a while. Then Badger came into Meeble's room to get her phone and I wasn't going to say anything but Meeble was like You know Badger you kinda hurt Dani's feelings. APPARENTLY she said sorry but not loud enough for me to hear and I thought she just was like whatever, and so I started listing off why that hurt my feelings. Badger just kinda stomped off and slammed the door. I didn't really care and wasn't going to say anything, but when Meeble got called to her mom I guess she saw a chance to tell and she did. My aunt made me go tell my mom so I did. And literally EVERYBODY was paying attention because my mom had been the center of attention (she had been playing with my 6 month baby cousin) and so I said what had happened and they called Badger up and she STRAIGHT UP LIED TO ALL THEIR FACES. I mean, it was pretty much the same except in her version she had thrown my phone and said Maybe you should get that.
You know... I wish her mom was there, but of course her mom wasn't and Badger was going home with Grammy and Pop. Anyway, my Mom was like Well how would you feel if that happened to you, you know, the standard kid-in-trouble talk. Except it was slightly funny because Badger is 12 and as tall as my Mom, but Badger still looked scared. Anyway, then Badger was released and everything went back to normal.
Or so we thought. When Grammy and Pop were about to leave Badger went around giving everyone hugs, except me and Meeble. We didn't think much of it because... well a) Meeble doesn't like physical affection and b) we just got her in trouble. Then they left and I learned this later Grammy apparently had a conversation with Badger and said that she wasn't going to tell Badger's mom, but if Badger decided too she'd better tell the truth. So Badger goes back home and lies. Her newest version said that Badger, T.O.P. and her friend were talking and I came in and said I didn't understand, Badger then said Perhaps I was to young to understand (Gurl I am the same age as you shut up you're only 7 months older!). She never pulled me sweater, she never threw my phone. And then my Mom verbally attacked Badger.  Yeah well that was ALL  a lie. Literally ALL of it.  So then my Mom gets a text from Badger's mom that said a few bad words, and that said that sure my mom could hate my aunt but not to take out on her daughter blah blah blah. Now my Mom and Badger's Mom had had some disagreements in the past, and my Mom wasn't as close to them, but she still loved them and she sure as heck didn't HATE them. Then Grammy decided to be a savage and say to Badger's mom I'm calling you and if you don't pick up I'm driving over there. The next few hours were a blur of text messages that went something like this.

  • Badger's Mom to my Mom: Cuss cuss. You can hate me but don't take it out on my kid. Cuss cuss. Dani's not innocent! She's not a perfect angel!
  • Grammy to Badger's Mom: I'm calling you right now and you better answer or else I'm coming over there.
  • Badger to my Mom: You're side of the family never does anything for us (side note from Dani-We literally do EVERYTHING for them) and I'm not sorry that you and your daughter get butt-hurt over the dumbest things. You also never invite me to anything.
  • Grammy is on the phone with Badger's mom
  • Meeble's Mom to Badger: What happened? I'm a bit confused. Tell my your side of the story.
  • Badger to Meeble's Mom: I love you but this doesn't concern you. (side note from Dani- Can I just say, rude! Also when you see anything in parenthesis it's my side note)
  • Meeble's mom to Badger: It happened at my house, it does concern me.  
  • Badger to Meeble's mom: Everything is always fine until Dani comes along. She just ruins everything. Well, everything you INVITE me to.
  • Meeble's Mom to Badger: What does she do? Give me examples.
  • Badger to Meeble's Mom: It's not what she does it's how she acts! If they're talking about the family I'll make a comment and she'll look at me like I don't deserve to make a comment. (That has NEVER happened. And if it ever did it obviously didn't affect anyone but her because I DIDN'T and WOULDN'T look at her like that. Also, ouch. ☹)
  • My Mom to Badger: I love you and will pray for you but if you're wondering why I don't invite you to things in the future this is why. I'm done with this conversation.
  • Grammy gets off the phone with Badgers mom.
  • Grammy to my Mom: I want to take Badger and Dani out to IHOP (I love IHOP) to talk this out.
  • My Mom to Grammy: I'll let her if the parents can come too. I have no urge to fix this relationship until I get an apology, Dani gets an apology and Badger tells the truth.
  • Grammy to my Mom: No parents are coming, I just want to fix things between them because I think that the four girls, Badger T.O.P. Meeble and Dani would be a good support group for each other going into high school. (Grammy chill I'm only in 6th grade.)
  • Mom to Grammy: No. I don't think that keeping Badger in Dani's life will be a positive effect on Dani. Sure it will on Badger but not Dani, and that's who I need to think of first.
So yeah. What a great way to start off the new year! Causing a rift in my family! I'm such a great kid! I honestly feel really bad about it, but at least I won't be verbally hurt by her again. Wish my luck on the rest of 2018, I really hope that the bean worked.

Bye Sincerely

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-Dani Jones