Sunday, April 16, 2017

Important News- HAPPY EASTER

 Hello everybody! So first off I would like to say happy Easter to every one of you here!
Image result for happy easter
I've had a wonderful Easter! Last night I went to midnight mass at church and when I got home I practically fell into bed! XD Then I got up at 7:00 am and Speed Boy and I opened our Easter Baskets and I got Percy Jackson The Titans Curse and Percy Jackson The Battle of the Labyrinth (which I already had so my Mom's going to try and return it and get the one I actually need). Plus a WHOLE BUTTLOAD OF CHOCOLATE!  YUM YUM YUM I CAN FINALLY EAT CHOCOLATE NOW THAT LENT'S OVER FDJGHAEI'OGHAEIOGHEI'ORHEGIOR' 
 Now onto that 'Important News' part of the post title. Ok, so guess what? At the Battle of the Bluebonnets my team won SECOND PLACE!! We were all so so so excited! I started crying- happy crying- and laughing at the same time! Here are some pics.
 At the end we group hugged.
 When we made it to either the playoffs or the finals (I can't remember :'D)
At the end where our Librarian/Bluebonnet Competition coach was talking to us and telling us how our school had never even made it to the finals much less second place.
A lot of the people were mad because the school that won first place lost but then got back in somehow... I don't really know and I really don't care. Also, the only question we got "wrong" is where we said TV store and the answer was Best Buy. So... eh.
 Also! There's only a limited time to do my contest thingy, you can find my post about it here, and the comp. itself here. Please do it before the 22nd which is the deadline! Thank you!!

Bye Sincerely


  1. hey congrats on getting second place!!! i was at a band competition a while ago and me + my school got first place! (probably because we were playing a fall out boy song and a panic! at the disco song lol)
    happy belated easter! :)

    1. Thank you so much! Also, congrats on 1st place! I would've really liked to have seen that performance! Happy belated easter to you as well.
      -Dani Jones


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-Dani Jones