Thursday, April 28, 2016


So guys, I have like, 0 inspiration! So I just want to tell you...
So keep that in mind. And if you want to, send me a email at

Monday, April 25, 2016

This is a string of words+ other randomness (is randomness like my new favorite word??)

Hey! I haven't done one of these in dsooooo londg !! SAll da mistakes already0) YIU know, i don't know why i haven't , i jsut have not had time! (I mean, I guess that's whty. ) So guys, do you have any tisp on writing>? Like how to stay focused and stuff. (I think I just gav you a post idea!!!)(I saud that in a singsong voisce btw). Is this supposed to make me look stiupid? Couse know I mean : Couse (Argg!! Cqan't spell cause!!) Cause now you know whow many mistakes I make per posts. It's just klike arrrrrrgg!! So 
5 Minutes Up
I was gonna say So many red lines!!!! I also wanted to tell you that I made a collab blog with Noor (favorite blogger ever!! Squee!) called Journey to Inspire, it's like a place for prompts for blog posts and writing. So, yeah! We haven't even posted the first post yet, but when we do, be sure to go look at it!! I'm also going to make a tag... so watch out for that! Oh, who am I kidding! I'll explain it to you now! It's called The Hunger Games Tag! 

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you 
2.Put up the button
3. Answer all the questions
4. Tag at least 2 people 

1. Your favorite character?
2. Your least favorite character?
3. A character you hate that everyone else loves?
4. Your favorite fight/battle scene?
5. A scene that made you laugh?
6. A scene that made you cry?
7. The character that you are most like? 
8. Your favorite quote?
9. Peeta or Gale?
10. Something you hate about the series?
11. A character you love that everyone else hates?
12. A character you wish hadn't died?
13. A character you wish had died?
14.Your favorite tribute (aside from Peeta/Katniss)?
15. Your least favorite tribute?
16. A question you wish had been answered?
17. The worst death?
18. A song that reminds you of the series?
19. Your favorite pairing?
20. Your least favorite pairing?
21. A pairing you don't get?
22. Your favorite book of the trilogy?
23. Your favorite secondary character?
24. Your dream cast?
25. Your favorite scene in the hunger games?
26. Your favorite scene in catching fire?
27. Your favorite scene in mockingjay?
28. Your favorite thing about the whole series?
29. Your least favorite secondary character?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Oh my gosh!!

 Guys! Omgosh! Derpy is spending the night. And my aunt and cousin came to visit, but in the most scary freaking way! So, me and Derpy are sitting in my room talking, and all of a sudden, we hear a knock. We're like, "Mom'll get it", and then mom comes into our room and she's like "You guys heard the knock, right?" and we said yeah. We were like, who was it, and she said no one was at the door. Then we got scared cause there was a van in front of my house, and we weren't sure who's it was. Derpy and I were scared! We got a plastic baseball bat and lightsaber and went outside. We walked all around, but couldn't find anyone! We even looked in the freaking backyard!! But they were no where to be found! Then we see them come in through the front door! We're like "Where were you??!!" but they wouldn't tell. So that's how we almost got scared to death!
Bye Sincerely

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


 So, I have a 'Fangirl' folder on me desktop. We will now explore its icy depths!!! (Mwa-ha-ha!!)

 I definitely want to do this!!

 This is me everywhere!! 

 Literally ME
 But like, why would you do this??!!
Nothing like an evil Anacin look!

Harry Potter

 I was surprised that I was here instead of in Ravenclaw

 Really Harry?

 Why couldn't they've found a green, or at least blue eyed actress to play Lilly Potter?

The Hunger Games

 So sweet!

 I love this song!



 Yeah... This is me all the time being disgusted with my so called "friends"

 Yeah, beware!

 I bet you I'll have this conversation with my bro

 Evil geniuses!

 I totally do this!!

 No! Just... Just no!

I kinda wanna try this!
Percy Jackson


 That would be awesome!!
 Are you??
 I just can't seem to get over!!
 Such as, Fred, Lupin, Sirius, Prim, Rue, Finick, Kate, Jenny, etc. etc.
If you are a true Fangirl, 'sign' your name in the comments.


This is me and my Mom with books.

So, I hope I didn't bore you to death. If I did, let me know.

Bye Sincerely