Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Crush Stories

  Heyo my dudes! So today I'm going to do something that will HOPEFULLY put a smile on your face. Hopefully. And I'm also doing this because I need to know if anyone shares my embarrassment or like, if anything like these moments have ever happened to you probably not though because I'm an oddball who doesn't know how to handle feelings. So yeah...
 Saying Mean Things: So I have a strange little habit of saying mean things TO my crush or to somebody NEXT TO my crush. And I don't know why?????? Like what in my brain is like "Insult him. He'll fall madly in love with me"???? I do not understand myself. But this happens SO FREAKING MUCH. Like, I'll be talking, notice that he can hear or that he's listening, and then go out of my way to INSULT HIM. I just.... why??? One of my absolute favorite examples of this is the time when I was walking by his table in social studies, and the person who sits next to him says "Dani I'm smarter than Cookie!" And do you want to know what I said? Would you like to know? Well I looked directly at him and said "Yeah, well everyone is." Like why??? What is wrong with me????
 Awkward Eye-Contact: So another one of my creepy weird habits is that I stare at my crush. I just... I'm not a stalker am I? I don't THINK I am. Heh... heh heh... Ok so once I was watching him (What is WRONG with me?) and he looked up and we accidentally made eye-contact. I very quickly looked at Meeble saying "Oh crap! Oh craaaaaap!" I have no idea if he KNOWS I was watching him or if he just thought that we HAPPENED to make eye contact even though he was two tables way from me. So yeah...
 Me Being Me...: So this one actually happened today, and I'm not sure if you guys know this, but I have 4 cats. So some of their erm... habits have rubbed off on me. Specifically that they hiss when they feel threatened or surprised. So today everybody was doing a walk-around-the-room work-sheet thing. And Cookie came up next to me and I HISSED AT HIM. Like I KNEW it was him and I STILL hissed at him. And his response was just a high-pitched "Ok" I just................ I'm DEAD.
 So yeah... These are my embarrassing crush stories. If you have any, feel free to share in the comments!

Bye Sincerely
Dani Jones 


  1. I have the same problem with being mean, to EVERYONE. I'm usually just joking around but I can't stop. I actually tell everyone that if I ever insult them it means I actually like and care about them. XD

    One time my siblings found out I had a crush on a childhood friend, and we were at a park and they started screaming at the top of their lungs and running around. They teased me for days, and then my mom told us that they invited the guy over, so my siblings grinned and nudged each other all through dinner. It was so dramatic that it's been two years since I liked him and I haven't liked anyone else since. >.<

    1. Oml that's hilarious! Both of them! With me I'm mean to him I huess because I'm not sure how to talk to people that I like.

  2. Once I wrote a song about my crush on my Viola and played it for her in Orchestra.

    I feel regret.

    1. Don't feel regret! That's honestly adorable! What was her response?

    2. Yeah no that sounds so cute!

    3. All of these things happen to me so much lol. You're not alone Dani!


So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones