Friday, December 22, 2017

Winter Life Updates

 Heyo guys! So as I'm sitting on my couch, eating a tootsie pop, and watching Star Wars it occurred to me that I haven't done a post about Christmas or any kind of winter whatever. So here I am with a winter life update post.
 So, I got on Winter break on Wednesday. It was cool because... oh screw it. It wasn't really cool. All week I had finals. And if you don't know, this year ws my FIRST YEAR to have finals. I... I just... why? Why are finals a thing!? Like 75 math questions? Really? What do we gain from that? All the elementary students are partying it up but for us? NOPE! You get FINALS! Merry Christmas!
 Speaking of Christmas. I am looking forward to Christmas! I love love love Christmassss!!! I've already done gift exchanges with Weirdo and Derpy Dog and I just love it!
 Sooooo now I'm going to share random quotes from my wip that doesn't have a name yet.

  • "Well, first things first." Said Olivia. She got up with a grunt and went over to the fridge. She opened the fridge, grabbed a jar of Nutella, and pulled the lid off.
  • "Piece of shiz drugged you to get you here, but me? Oh he probably hit me in the back with a fire extinguisher."
  • "Darn it Lilith! Haven't you ever used peroxide before? It's supposed to sting, so it can, like, clean the cut."
  • "Well, as long as you're not going to tell me your name, I'll call you Bob."
  • "What kind of sicko stocks a fridge with four jars of Nutella, but doesn't stock any pants?"
  • "Hey, I don't know. Maybe Bob somehow removed a door frame."
  • Bob-Peter-Whatever sighed.
  • For the third time in the past to days I woke up from the deepest sleep ever. It was starting to take a toll.
 And yeah. That's it. I'll probably do a Christmas haul, ya know. After Christmas. So yeah. That's it.

Bye Sincerely

1 comment:

  1. Haha, those are cool snippets! I'd love to read more. :)


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-Dani Jones