Friday, July 6, 2018

My Newest W.I.P.

Hey guys! So today is Friday which's time for my writing/reading post to actually make this seem like a book blog! Today I'm going to do one about my currant work in progress or W.I.P..
 My W.I.P. is called The Princess in the Red Cape (can you see where I was going with that?). Basically I just want to give some facts and character details. So here we go!

Rosalee Cardamom Gardenia
Nickname- Red
Status- Princess 
Age- 17
Birthday- October 15th
Hair- Chocolate brown hair that goes to her shoulders. When outside of the place, she wears them in twin braids.
Eyes- Brown and unremarkable 
Complexion- Very pale but lots of freckles because she goes into the sun a lot
Style- Prefers her red cape and tights outside of the palace, but inside wears simple dresses.
Parents- The King and Queen Callista. 
Siblings- Snow White Gardenia is her half-sister
Friends- Kat, Jack, Goldy, Muffy
Romantic Interests- Hunter becomes her boyfriend
Favorite Color- Red, obviously 
Sexuality- Straight
Mental Issues- She had awful anxiety
Based Off- Little Red Riding Hood

 So anyway, those are Red's facts. I'm not sure if this post was exactly good, but if you guys want me to do this with characters like Snow, or Hunter, or Kat, I will. Or if you want me to explain the plotline of the story that I have so far, than I'll do that too. Let me know what you want me to do!

Bye Sincerely
Danielle Jones 


  1. Ooh Red sounds pretty cool! I'd love to read more about the other characters in your WIP, and more about the plot too :)

    Andrea @

    1. Thank you! I will try to post more about her!
      -Dani Jones


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-Dani Jones