Thursday, April 14, 2016


 Hey guys! Long time no post! No, I haven't forgotten, I just have, like, 0% inspiration! I'm literally like nooooo!
But, I'm here now, and that's all that matters actually it's not, but whatever. So, as you can tell by the title, this is just gonna be a whole bunch of randomness! So get ready!
 So, I'm doing this thing now, where every thursday I have to not talk, except for 3 words at a time to adults (including my parents), every time that I do say either more words than allowed to an adult, or any words to a kid, I have to give myself a tally. The goal is to have 0 tallies by the end of the day (I already have 13 tallies for today, and I only did half a day!!). You may say, Dani, why would you want to do this? And I shall say to you that I got the idea from a book called 'No Talking' (I plan on doing a review when I'm done).
  Have you bloggers ever gone back to your old posts (like your 1st 2nd and 3rd), just to see how bad they are? You may think that that would decrease my self-esteem, but it actually increases it! Seeing how bad they are, and then looking at my newer ones, it makes me feel better about my blogposts now! It makes me acknowledge that I am better than when I started! And that makes me feel so much better about myself! It also makes me laugh because I'm like, 'I actually wrote like this? Bwaa haa haa!' (Ya! I'm bleating like coach hedge!) 
 Guys, can you give me some good villain names for my new book? I actually haven't worked on it anymore than what you've already seen! But I wanna be prepared! Please! I remember... Lily I think it was, who last time I asked for names, she gave a super long list. So you might want to list yours so she doesn't beat ya to it! ;) 
 Well, this post turned out to be longer than expected... I didn't even know I was gonna put that last paragraph there til I did it! Do you guys like ramblers? Cause I think that's what I just became!!!

Bye Sincerely


  1. I think rambles are fun. I am now super curious why in the world you would want to not talk. For the younger worse blog post thing I can so relate! When I look at my old posts I seriously cringe.

    Nabila // Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. I love rambles! But yeah... my old posts are HORRIBLE!!!

  2. I love random posts, they're fun to read and write. Honestly I just have a cringe attack when I read old posts and usually am not able to read past the first sentence.


  3. By villain names do you mean made up ones, like Voldemort, or actual names like Patricia? Not that Patricia is even an villainous name lol!
    -Elsa :)

    1. Well, both!!! All names ARE actually made up names, just ones that people liked so much, they decided to keep around! :D

    2. Yeah you're right... Oh my it's really hard to think of villain names!!

  4. Haha I love randomness - and I thought I was the only one who reread the old posts omg ahaha!

    By the way I love your sign-off (80% maniac, 10% unicorn and 10% llama wonder) it's so cool!

    Maybe you could check out my blog some time, I love yours:

    - Lexie

    1. I LOVE randomness- no, you're not the only one that rereads posts!





So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones