Saturday, April 2, 2016

Liebster Award

 Hey guys!! So, I wasn't tagged but I'm still going to do the Liebster award!!
1) Link back to the person who tagged you
2) Answer all 11 questions
3) Tag 11 bloggers who have less than a thousand readers
4) Ask them 11 questions

1. Top 5 favorite blogs?

2. What is the first thing you said when you got up this morning?
When you threw the cover on me you woke me up.

3. If you could live in a magical land, what magical land would you live in?
Harry Potter's

4. Favorite TV show?
NCIS definitely!!

5. 10 things that make you happy?
1.My family 2.THG 3.HP 4.My pets 5.Makeup 6.Stuffed animals 7.NCIS 8.Books 9.Purple 10.My blog
 6. Pillow fight or nerf war?
Pillow fight! Nerf guns hurt!! 

7. Favorite board on your Pinterest?
I don't have a Pintrest... :/

8. Top 5 favorite books?
1.Harry Potter (count as one) 2.THG (count as one) 3.PJ (count as one) 4.The Heros of Olympus (count as one) 5.Ummm...
 9. If you could live in a movie, what movie would you live in?
Harry Potter

10. Did you enjoy answering these questions? :)

What's your favorite board game?
Favorite sandwich?
Any pets?
What superpower would you have if you could have any?
Favorite breed of dog?
What's the font on your blog called?
Who's a role-model in your life?
What's your lucky number?
Favorite season?
Favorite book (or if you are like me top 5)?
Early Bird or Night Owl?

I tag!:


  1. Aw thank you for tagging me! Although, I know this is so weird but I strangely dislike the use of "ALBOS" even though I use it occasionally, when I have to. I just think it looks odd.

    But I'm flattered that you named me as one of your favorite blogs! <3


  2. You only answered 10?



So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones