Friday, April 1, 2016

I'm deleting the blog

 Hi guys... I'm here to say that I'm deleting this blog. I feel like no one's bothering to look, so why should I post? Thank you all my followers for your support along the way, it is greatly appreciated! I am kinda sad I didn't get to my one-year blogaversery... There's just one more thing I want to say................

April Fools!!!!!
I bet I got you good! I wonder what the look on your faces were!

Bye Sincerely


  1. You actually didn't get me but still awesome joke!

  2. I knew you where going to say that.... ;)

  3. haha nice joke, I did this last year so I didn't fall for it ;)

  4. The second I saw the title I was kinda like.. What! this is strange... but then I realised that Dani would never delete her blog, cos she loves it of course!

  5. I wasn't fooled, as Noor did this last year, and I read that post. Good try though! :)


    1. Your name is Lord Voldemort? Anyway, I actually didn't think that many people would be fooled.

    2. Lol i wish


So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones