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So hio guys! Luna's here to help me today! I'm goijng to be potsting a BUNGCH of random pics/gifs that I hope you ewill enjoy!
Good: Awww! So sweet! Evil:Snape, Lilly never loved you! Back off@!
Good: Dobby, he's jusdt beinh desent , unlike those Malfoy scum! Evil: Wrll figure it out Dobby!! ban I mean , how do the malfoys deal with you!!
Good: Poor Dobby! Draco's being a bad boy!! Evil: Bwa-ha-ha-ha!! You
anyways... are so funny Draco!!
Good: More wise words from the brilliant Hermione! Evil: Well no dur! This is obvious! Is it not?
Good: Um... Hagrid...? Do you need a stylist? Cause I mean, I can get you one... Evil: Learn to type! Wow... Just wow...
Good: #Speechless Evil: #To scared to say anything bad
Good: Harry... Just, Harry... Evil: That's such a STUPID pose Harry I secretly love you!!!
Good: No, no they're not! Evil: Are ya sure about that Harry-boy?
Good: *sniffle sniffle* So touching! Evil: Wow Snape, just wow...
Good: I love your quotes!!! Evil: She never said "Twitchy, little ferret, aren't you Malfoy?", that was *cough the impostor cough* Mad Eye Moody
Good: Oh my gosh!! I love you so much Hermione!! Evil: What's with all the stupid poses today??
Good: Best little... story... thing... ever! Evil: This never even happened!!
No Comment due to sheer awesomeness
Overall: Is this even a Harry Potter quote? Google seems to think it is...
Wow Voldemort (yeah! I just said his name! I'm that good!)...
Wow... *sniffs* so sentimental.
I actually think this is true!
Well, your son got attacked by a thing that was ALL brain!
Yup!! I mean, it's just like dreams... right...?! Right...!?
Pfft! Bwa-ha-ha! You are so cute Ron!!
Yes you are... Now chew with your mouth closed!!
Yeah... I wish this woulda happened
What if this happens!! GASP!!