Sunday, January 10, 2016

Liebster Award

 Hi my lovely blog supporters! I got tagged by Nabila to do the Liebster Award!!
1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Answer all 11 questions 
3. Tag 11 bloggers who have less than 1,000 followers
4. Ask them 11 questions
5. Let them know you tagged them through social media

 1.Every time you right a post why do you do it? Why don't you just stop blogging? It is easier.
I write posts, well, cause it's fun! If it wasn't fun, I actually wouldn't do it!

2. If you had to pick between either being able to see and being deaf or hearing but being blind with one would you choose?
I'd rather be deaf.

3. What is your favorite thing about blogging? 
The knowing that people everywhere can read what I'm writing right now!

4.What type of post do you most enjoy writing?
Tags! Definitely!

5. First song that comes to mind?
A song on MLP that I was just listening to called Sister hooves

6. With one do you like better, reading non-fiction or fiction?

7. If you could tell the president (or whatever is the leader of you country) one sentence, what would it be?
Please let there be 3 weeks in winter break

8. Secret blogger you would love to be friends with?
Noor... This doesn't need explaining!

9.When you open your computer or whatever electronic you use on a new day what is the first thing you do?
Check my blog.

10.Meeting the author of your favorite book or the main character?
Umm... is both an answer?

11.How much time did it take you to answer these questions? 
Umm... IDK, I don't time myself...

I nominate
1. A Girl
3. Noor
4. Anyone at BBK 
5. Shelby
8. Yali
9. Fiona
10. Kacey
11. Kelsi 

My questions
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. What is your goal in blogging?
3. What makes you fangirl the most?
4. Favorite thing about the blogging community?
5. Biggest goal of 2016
6. reading or writing?
7. best advice you could give?
8. if you could meet one fictional character who would you meet?.
9. Favorite post of 2015?
10. What have you learned through blogging?
11. If you had to dye your hair what color would you choose?

Bye sincerely Dani


So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones