Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sophia Smith's Interview

 Hi my lovely blog supporters! So Sophia Smith from A Joyful Corner is going to be doing an interview! If you see words in this color it's me!

Hey guys! This is Sophia from! Today, I  
will be answering 15 questions as an interview on Dani’s blog. She will be 
answering the same questions on my blog, and that post will also be up soon.
(Well, actually when I was writing this, it wasn’t posted, but by the time that
this gets posted, that one might be up as well, so you can go, and check that
out on my blog. The link is above.) So, here are the questions in BLUE, and
my answers in this color! Now, we get started because I don’t think you want 
to spend a few hours reading my intro, do you? Because, if you do, I totally
can write a few days worth of reading intro… 


So, here are the questions, and (flips hair in face) my fabulous answers.

  1. Why did you start blogging?

Uh, would you judge me if I said, I don’t know? (No, nobody would judge you!)Okay, then I will tell you. 
So, originally, my blog was an art blog, and it was called Draw Divine, but
I wasn’t really enjoying that, so I made it into a normal blog, and I actually, 
for some UNKNOWN reason, I never changed the name. Then, I decided to, and 
I did, but I lost literally all of my readers, but I’ve actually met some that I have
never seen on my blog before, so I guess that that’s a good thing. Anyway, I was
inspired for this blog because I was just drawing, so I decided to post that, and then
I continued to post, and then it just became a writing blog, and I have always loved 
to write anyway, and my writing teacher told me I was a really good writer, so I just
DID, ya know?

2. When did you start blogging.

It’s been almost a year. Now, next question. Oh, you wanted the exact date? Oh, okay, well,
let me just go check blogger. Wait a few hours…..   

I, uh, can’t find it…..   Not my fault though. When I changed blog names, the gmail that I
had my blog on changed too, and the posts that I posted when my blog name was Draw Divine
are NOT on my current blogger account, but they are still posted on my blog, and I think that it
was in May 2015? I am not really sure.

3. Your top 3 favorite blogs?

These are the links of my top 3 favorite blogs.

  1. A Little Bit Of Sunshine :

2. Shine ’N’ Elevate ( I don’t really read her blog too much anymore, although I still do, 
but she was one of my first readers, and her blog was also one of the first blogs that I ever read.)

3. The Dani Jones Blog : Well, I don’t really read many blogs, so I used to only read those 2, but now that I’ve started to read this one, I actually really like it, so this blog would be my 3rd favorite blog. (Oh my gosh!! She said me!!!)

4. Have you ever changed your blog name? If so, from what to what?

As I have already mentioned, I have changed it from Draw Divine to A Joyful Corner.

5. Would you rather read a book on a Kindle, or a Nook, or on a real book?

I’m not really sure, I really like both, but I think I would prefer either a Kindle, or a Nook
so that I could read in the dark without opening the lights, and that I don’t have to hold a book,
or do any work I don’t even have to turn the page, I just have to swipe! Also, it’s a digital bookmark, so it won’t even rip! :)

6. Skiing or snowboarding, and why?

Neither, because I have never tried snowboarding, because it looks scary, and skiing is just…..
HARD! Ya know? I usually just end up reading a book or entertaining myself in the lodge, but
I still love to go there, it’s just a nice change, but I also hate the car ride to get there, because it’s long. I’m surprised that I haven’t thrown up during one of the trips there, or back. TMI? Okay,
then let’s move on…..(Ha ha!)

7. Traveling by plane or car, and why?

Plane, even though I’m afraid of going on them, I don’t know, I think I’m afraid that the plane will fall? And, Amelia Earhart disappearing doesn’t help either….. AT ALL! But, I get carsick, so…..

8. Dodgeball or Kickball?

Kickball, because it’s fun, but, of course, dodgeball is a VERY close 2nd place! (Neither are my favorite sports, though, if that’s what you’re thinking.)

9. What is your favorite book, and your favorite author?

No idea. I read alot, so….. Also, it’s LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to choose, sooooo…..

10. What are 3 things that you would take with you on a deserted island?

Well, obviously not counting food, water, bathroom, and all of those needs, and stuff, but here are the 3 things. My phone, obvi! My laptop, no duh! And, wifi. What’s the use of my phone, and my laptop if I don’t have wifi?

11. Would you rather play sports, or watch sports?

Play, duh! I HATE to watch sports, even though I LOVE to play most of them!

12. List from favorite to least favorite. Instagram, Pinterest, and/or Twitter?

Instagram, Twitter, and then Pinterest.

 13. List from favorite to least favorite. Jeans, sweatpants, and/or tights?

Tights, sweatpants, and then jeans

14. Would you rather watch a movie, or watch a play?

Watch a movie

15. List from favorite to least favorite. Go on a vacation in Hawaii, California, and/or Florida?

I can not choose, I have only been to 2 of these, and I can’t choose between those, and my dad has been to Hawaii for his job before, and, me and my mom loved the souvenirs, so…..

That’s all for this post, guys! I hope to see you all on my blog! And, I want to include that Dani will be doing a guest post on my blog, as well as an interview with these same questions, as I have already mentioned before. I will also be doing a guest post on her blog with the exact same theme as the one that she will do on my blog, and obviously, I’m doing this interview on hers. (NO DUH, WE DIDN’T KNOW) Lol, so, bai? I guess….. Well, ummmmm, I’m leaving now….. So, bye…..

Sooooo..... If you want to see my interview (that may or may not be up yet), click the link now!! 

Bye Sincerely 


  1. Awww, thanks for listing me as one of your fave blogs Sophia xD I'm not that great :P Anyways, lovely interview, these questions were really great Dani!

    1. Thanks! I actually don't deserve credit cause she came up with them, I told her we should do the same ones. And, for the record, you ARE that great Noor! Every-freakin-body that visits your blog LOVES it, if that doesn't show that your a great blogger, then I don't what will!


So... it looks like you're going to comment. Thanks for that. Your comments make my day. :)
-Dani Jones